Dentists Dentist Directory Service in USA and Canada

DDSLocator provides a searchable database of licensed local dentists across the United States and Canada. Find dentists in your area, learn about their specialties and services and read reviews from patients. When you find the right dentist it’s easy to contact them to ask a question or set up an appointment. The DDSLocator Dentist Directory is powered by DenMat, a worldwide provider of dental products, lab services and dental education.

Made in the USA

DenMat operates a state-of-the-art facility at its worldwide headquarters in Lompoc, California, USA, and specializes in the manufacture of a wide range of high-quality dental products, small equipment, and custom laboratory-fabricated dental restorations. Our restorative dental products are time-tested by thousands of our dentist customers and we are proud to be a part of your journey in oral health.

Dentist recommended at-home oral hygiene products

The #1 patient-requested veneer

Dentist prescribed affordable cosmetic removable arch